Sunday, December 27, 2009

Path of Life’s Journey

It was still the dawn when he reached the base of the hill. That young man was fully focussed on his mission to reach the mountain peak in few hours. On his way uphill he found none but an oldman struggling to carry a bundle of firewood. He thought that the oldman must belong to some village nearby.

Both of them were walking quietly. As time flew by, slowly they began a chat between them. The younger one asked the oldman if he could help him in carrying the bundle for a while as the latter was struggling with that. The oldman politely refused that offer and he told the reason behind the refusal as well.

The older guy told the younger that he refused the latter’s help on that day as the former couldnot expect someone daily to help him out in carrying his load daily, and if he accepts the help of that young guy that day and relaxes, then his mind could start to look for help daily and that would result in nothing but laziness.

The oldman also told the youngman that he was used to the load in the years passed and he said, ‘once you start moving with the load, it gets lighter; else you will feel the heaviness of it if you think about it as a burden’. The youngman found something striking his heart, because he was climbing the hill with the thought of commiting suicide! Then the youngman realized that one could make the load lighter by just not complaining and crying but getting to move ahead with it in his path.

By that time they finished their conversation, they had reached the peak as well. From there the young man could see a whole new world with lot of opportunities and he felt that he is in the top of the world. He was very happy that he found ‘The Path of His Life’s Journey’ in what could be the path of his last journey.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Bagheera kiplingi is an unusual species of jumping spider found in Central America including Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala. B. kiplingi is notable for its peculiar diet, which, unusually for a spider, is mostly herbivorous. No other known spider has such a thoroughly herbivorous diet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


To shutdown another system in a network (With Windows-Xp Operating system) with your custom message getting displayed in that system

  1. Go to “RUN”.
  2. Type “shutdown –i”.
    Then you will get an interface,
  3. Add the system names to be shutdown or restarted.
  4. Set the time countdown for shutdown.

If someone else tries the same with you,then you can abort this remote shutdown set by someone else in your network, if you type “shutdown –a”
before that countdown time becomes zero.

P.S:-Add your experiences with other Operating Systems in the comments part.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Modern technologies date back to Indian epics

Did Human Cloning originate in India centuries back?

In 'The Mahabarath' (Great Indian Epic) Kundhi devi gave birth to Karna without fusion of the gametes (Fertilization).As depicted in the 'The Mahabarath', his birth was due to the blessings of 'Lord Surya'. According to me, this process might be like this, as nucleus is responsible for the formation of the young one in cloning process, in the above incident, the power of 'Lord Surya' entered the womb of kundhi and karna originated. So we could say that the above is the prototype of 'The Human Cloning'
Animal tissue culture technique got started in India?

In 'The Mahabaratha' (Great Indian Epic), 'The Gauravas' mother initially gave birth to just a mass of flesh! Then according to the advice of their Guru, that piece of flesh(Callus) was cut into hundred pieces and the pieces were kept in 100 separate pots(Reactors or flasks) filled with ghee(Medium).Then after some time(Incubation period), hundred children(The Gauravas) came out as normal, complete babies. How great was Indian Mythology!
Xenotransplantation had its root from India?

Transplantation of organs from one species to another different species is known as Xenotransplantation. Nowadays heart, kidney, eye are the commonly transplanted organs. These transplantations within human species became practically possible, only several decades ago, but, there is literary evidence with Hindu Mythology that shows that highly sophisticated Xenotransplantation process took place in India many millenniums back! 'Lord Ganesha' (Hindu God) in his childhood was beheaded by other Gods in a war. Upon seeing his son beheaded, his mother, Goddess Shakthi got angry and she was about to destroy the universe. As the other Gods wanted to stop the destruction of universe, they decided to replace Lord Ganesha with a new head. They located a particular spot on earth. It was finalized that the head of whichever animal rests there in that spot should be beheaded and is to be offered to 'Lord Ganesha' for his head. Interestingly they found an elephant there, and cut its head and fixed it to Lord Ganesha's body and rejuvenated him. Thus its evident that the idea of Xenotransplantation had originated in India.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Something for you to think about!!

Dear reader,
You may be a student or a fresher or an employee or someone who has got there into the satisfied level of life where everything comes your way.

Your field of interest may vary from the IT to Instrumentation or from Mechanical to Medicine or even Biotechnology or Bioinformatics or anything as you wish but, one thing stays universal to all and is “THE DESIRE TO SUCCEED”.

Failures are not the only stepping stones to success or even mere succeeding wont lead to success always. But as far as I am concerned, If you need success, you have to think a lot, ironically if you want to think more, you need some failures too?!(Hmmmm….)

Let’s have success as green signal and failure as red signal for example
Each and every one of us knows about the obstacles and support one faces before he/she reach his/her destiny. Like that we face several green as well as red signals in our travel of few hours. All I want to summarize up with is that we have to be optimistic enough to take those red signals as time to refresh our ideas and write our success formula perfect a little better than earlier. Slow and steady Wins the race as always!..

Thursday, June 18, 2009


  • Antibiotic effects of natural substances.
  • Effects of pesticides on soil microbes.
  • Isolation of soil microbes;Bio-fertilizers.
  • Isolation of microbes from sewage.
  • Effective microorganisms-identification and utilization.
  • Seed quality testing by

a)Seed germination.

b)Biochemical methods.

c)Molecular studies.

  • Growth studies of a organism with different media combination or comparison of two organisms' growth in a particular medium.
  • Alcohol production using agro waste.
  • SCP production using Agro waste.
  • Enriched biogas production.
  • Identification of medicinal plants.
  • Biopesticides.


  • Milk quality testing.
  • Alcohol production using kitchen waste.
  • Identification of pathogens causing spoilage of fruits and vegetsbles.


  • Effects of effluents in germination of seeds.
  • Isolation of microbes from water bodies & control of water pollution.
  • Air pollution:identifying the physiccal,chemical and microbial contaminants in the air.
  • Mushroom culturing using waste material.
  • Vermi composting.
  • Biomedical waste management.
  • Wastes as renewable sources of energy.
  • Bioremediation.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Come let’s face the Interview questions!

Tell about yourself

  • Name, native place, about family, schooling, reason for selecting the college & course, habits, special interests, extra – curricular, co – curricular, favorites, strengths and weaknesses.

Do you consider yourself successful?

  • Be positive and prepare to explain with some of your achievements.

What do you know about this organization?

  • Collect as much information about the organization as possible and prepare yourself with statistics as well.

How did you improve your knowledge in the last year?

  • Some courses/classes/languages/computer knowledge/training programs/industrial exposure etc

Are you also trying for jobs other than this?

  • Be confident enough to manage if you say yes!

Why did you choose this organization?

  • (Chance to impress hmmm!).Prepare a good reason (Eg:-career growth opportunities/brand name/good exposure to modern technology).

Do you have any known person already working in this organization?

  • Before saying yes, do meet someone working inside (sometimes some companies do not encourage group formations inside the organization that may spoil their productivity as they think!!) and decide if to say yes or no!

Expected salary?

  • Say something reasonable(Don't mention about your poverty or loans etc for any cause)

Are you a team player?

  • Mostly a positive reply is expected.

How long will you work for this organization?

  • (Tricky question indeed)I think you may say something like this "As long as the mutual benefits prevail".

What is your philosophy towards work?

  • Be simple with your answer, don't try to make a Socrates out of you unless you apply for a publisher job :-}

How will you be an asset to the organization?

  • Frame your answer with your strengths highlighted in it.

Why should we hire you?

  • (Make use of this question fully to ensure your recruitment!!).

What is your greatest strength according to you?

  • Give your best answer here.

What is your dream job? Describe it?

  • Don't overdo and spoil the day by telling something irrelevant to the job for which you are being interviewed.

Can you do well at this job?

  • Don't hesitate to say yes! Add some valid reasons that fit best there.

Person whom you refuse to work with?

  • Be careful while answering this (Better stay general answers than specific).

Money or work? Your preference?

  • Another tough one indeed! Build your answer carefully.

Have you ever had any problems with your supervisor?

  • Say yes if you have genuine reasons with you. Don't get yourself into trouble by saying something silly.

Do you have the ability to work under pressure?

  • (Of course you must be).

Will you be satisfied with this job or will you be trying for a better job?

  • Think well and make sure that you do not fall into the trap. (Eg:-I will surely try for a better job, but, within this organization. (may be through promotion)).

How about working overtime? Nightshifts? And in weekends?

  • Be true (don't say that you will discuss with family and tell later).

Your motivation factor?

  • You must be having some sayings or quotes etc…say one from it.

Will you always be ready for relocation any time?

  • If you really are, then say yes. Else say no.

Will, you keep the organization's interest ahead of yours'?

  • Be careful while answering this.(Say something like, "it depends on the decision to make on the particular situation").

What position do you place yourself in the management?

  • You know what you are capable of and what your qualifications are, so rate accordingly.

Have you ever learnt anything from mistakes you committed in your previous jobs?

  • Say yes if you have something that sounds positive else just say No.

Do you think that you are overqualified for this job?

  • Handle with care.

How will you compensate your lack of experience?(Fresher)

  • Maybe Quick learning abilities/ hard work/ planning etc…

What qualities do you expect from your boss/Superior?

  • Don't end up with saying everything your boss/superior (interviewing company) doesn't possess at all.

What will be your role in your team?

  • May be leader(if you are qualified)/planner/ or say something new like energizer)

Have you ever solved any disputes?

  • Say yes if you have(don't try knitting stories that sound fake)

Your work ethics?

  • It's not a must to go for a technical quote always. Just stay simple with your own.

Your biggest professional disappointment so far?

  • Don't say that you didn't get increment or promotion as expected and got disappointed.

How about having fun on job?

  • Don't hype it.

Any questions for me?(Interviewer)

  • Enjoyable part in this organization?
  • Expectations the company has on its employees?
  • Growth opportunities?
  • Current challenges?
  • (Don't ask about salary).